Threat to indigenous rights in Brazil : An indigenous movements are mobilizing in all the country from 30/09 to 05/10, the Indigenous chief AFUKAKA of the Kuikuro tribe is seeking support from international community.
The largest indigenous protests in Brazil to date are being held in a unitary movement for the first time, from 30/09 to 5/10 throughout the country – in Brasilia, Sao Paulo, Belem and Rio Branco.
Convened by APIB (Association of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil), these protests respond to widespread attacks suffered by indigenous peoples on their territorial rights; these attacks originate from the « bancada ruralista », a lobby of large companies and landowners acting in the National Congress and the government. The protest movement is supported by international organizations defending human rights and the environment; a rally for support of these protests is being relayed in Paris by the Indigenous leader Afukaka of the Kuikiro tribe.
Around a hundred proposed legislations are now under discussion in the National Congress of Brazil. They aim to restrict the rights of indigenous peoples that are today guaranteed by the Federal Constitution of 1988. Proposed legislation essentially targets the right to land and to the exclusive use of natural resources.
Among them: the Proposals for Constitutional Amendments aim to change the demarcation of their territories, causing their paralysis (PEC 215 and 38); a complementary bill aims to allow the introduction of any kind of corporate enterprise in recognized indigenous territories (PLP 22); and further, an order of the Attorney General aims to significantly restrict the rights of indigenous peoples over their own lands (Port303).
If these propositions enter into law, it may increase insecurity and lead to an explosion of land disputes. For example, PEC 215 would result in a revision of land rights across 13% of Brazilian territory, already experiencing strong land tensions: 563 Indians have been killed over the past 10 years, of which 60 in 2012. The PLP227 law would legalise many currently illegal initiatives, such as the Belo Monte dam and its hidden face, or the mega-mining project Belo Sun*, and as a result any further civil action would be in vain.
The government of Dilma Rousseff has already established the poorest record for management of indigenous lands: it’s actions do not respect free, prior and informed consultation to indigenous peoples guaranteed by Convention No. 169 of the International Labour Organization, paralyze native land demarcation, and violate the Constitution and international treaties.
Furthermore, the government subsidizes the agricultural models of large landowners, which concentrate land ownership and related income, promote the heavy use of agro-chemicals, and expel rural workers, small farmers and traditional indigenous peoples, while creating comparatively few jobs.
Brazilian human rights and environmental organizations are seeking the strong support of the international community, in the face of a resistance to dialogue on the part of the Brazilian government and the growing threats to the indigenous and traditional communities.
Afukaka, leader of the Kuikiro tribe, invited to Paris for Genesis, the Sebastiao Salgado exhibition, will testify to the offenses against the indigenous peoples and their struggle to defend the Brazilian Constitution, their rights and future of the Amazon in a press conference. He is accompanied by anthropologist Carlos Fausto of the National Museum of Natural History in Rio and Felipe Milanez, a journalist renowned for coverage of these issues.
Press Conference Thuesday 1rst October 10 AM in Comptoir General – 80 Quai de Jemmapes 75010 Paris
Supported by : Amazon Watch – Fondation Danielle Mitterrand – France Libertés – Planète Amazone – GITPA (Groupe International de Travail pour les Peuples Autochtones) – ICRA International
——————————————————————————————————————————————————————–Au Brésil, la plus grande manifestation indigène ayant lieu du 30 au 5 Octobre dans tout le pays, un débat sera organisé en France avec la présence exceptionnelle du leader indigène Afukaka de la tribu Kuikiro, invité à Paris pour l’exposition Genesis de Sebastiao Salgado.
Brasília, 23/04/2013 – A group of Xavantes Indians , who lives in the Terra Indígena Marãiwatsédé, North of Mato Grosso Member State, gives to Members of the National Commission for the Truth a copy of the Figueiredo Report, an official document, “disappeared” for decades, on a number of violations of human rights. Photo: Antonio Cruz/ABr/Portal Terra
L’objectif est d’apporter un éclairage sur la situation critique des peuples indigènes concernant le droit à la terre et à l’utilisation des ressources naturelles. Le cacique Afukaka sera accompagné de l’anthropologue Carlos Fausto professeur au Musée National de l’UFRJ et de Felipe Milanez, Chercheur au Centre d’études sociales de l’Université de Coimbra et Journaliste à Carta Capital, spécialisé sur l’environnement, les conflits sociaux et les questions autochtones.
Pour répondre à cet appel à rassemblement des peuples, plusieurs ONG se sont mobilisées, dont la Fondation Danièle Mitterrand – France Libertés, Amazon Watch, Planète Amazone, Greenpeace Brésil, et bien d’autres… pour soutenir ces peuples face aux menaces qui pèsent sur leurs droits territoriaux.
Constitutional Law Lecture 28/5/13: “ Judge, before you take any desision, respect the Constitution! «
Chers UFFPiens lisez et partagez et déplacez vous pour soutenir ce peuple digne et fière. Ce soutien est essentiel pour permettre aux Indiens d’être entendus, relayer le mouvement et transmettre ces informations capitales pour l’avenir des populations indigènes du Brésil et de l’Amazonie.
Planalto Palace. Brasília, June 6, 2013 : _Mundurukus peoples claim the lands are theirs, again…
Mobilisations au Brésil du 30 Septembre au 5 Octobre
Conférence débat Mardi 1 Octobre – 10h à 12h en France
Comptoir Général – 80 Quai de Jemmapes 75010 Paris