Rohan Marley « how can we take and not give  » !

  • By UFFP
  • 10 juin 2012
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Rohan Marley in Paris while launching the new headphones of HOUSE OF MARLEY !

Photo Pierre Schwartz

A story by  UFFP editor Feriel Berraies Guigny

The House of Marley has just launched in France, this month of june a new collection of Headphones. United Fashion for Peace had the honour and pleasure to meet up with Rohan Marley the son of the « legend »  of reggae music.

A magical encounter in beautiful Paris, chatting with an amazing and warm person; a heart to heart gathering where we could exchange our vision of ethics sustainable africa and peace. But before sharing with you this superb encounter, just a brief note on the amazing products that have been launched in Paris by House of Marley.

The Headphones will surely be your best seller shopper this summer dear UFFP readers

With House of Marley head and earphones join up to a sound that satisfies your soul !

House of Marley Headphones

Cause when it comes to buy quality sound and doing the right thing, there is no hesitation  » not   only we  believe in making our products in the right way, we believe in making our products right » explains Rohan Marley.

  Earth-Friendly headphones

House of Marley has created products that are sustainable, renewable and recyclable. Each of the products are packaged in recycled and recyclable material so it avoids the waste stream and can manifest into something useful again.

A product that’s  Cause-Minded

 » We all have to stand for something. It’s not in us to be complacent » that is the spirit of House of Marley products. For every product you purchase, a portion of your money goes to causes that focus on charities that benefit youth, planet and peace.

House of Marley earbud

Interview with Rohan Marley

Africa if you could describe how you feel about this Continent ? I think it is time to empower Africa, give Africa it’s great and right full place ! Africa is our mother earth, Africa is great and selfsufficient, the only reason being that Africa is the future ! We need to become one country today to be really one Continent. It means more brotherhood between Nations, solidarity and sharing.

What is your perception of the Arab Awakening? Tunisia opened a window of Hope, it showed that the people for once could speak up for their own destiny. It is time to hear the voice of people, to give them the chance to change their life. It will take some time before real changes happen, but together we can change the world if we believe in change and at any costs, no matter the sacrifice.

How do you manage living with your father’s legacy? being the son all your life, reminds you that what you have is a god consciousness. Being the son of Bob Marley means that you are the son of a man who preachs love, peace. A man who loved people, it is a blessing and you learn everyday from him, even now that he is gone and yet is all around us. I remember the time when there were these acrobats washing the windows and they would come to my father, and us children we were dreaming of doing the same thing ! and one sunday they came to my father’s ranch in Jamaica , we were playing with my other brothers in the yard, they came to the gate. The gate was closed, they were street boys, we went to talk to them  » hey listen today is not your day, today is our day with daddy « !

My father was watching us through the window upstairs and he saw us being rude to the boys telling them to stay outside, he called us and gave us money and said listen let them inside the gate and buy them some ice cream, he had just seen an icecream man passing by. He watched them eat.

We learned from that  as he explained to us later on  » you are inside the gate, you are ok and am not for you » ! it was a great lesson from our father he did not want to preach for his own deacon.

Did you miss him?  Well when you are young, you always want to please your parent. I cannot say today they i missed him because we learned very young to accept things, but i did cry at times but my brother steven told me not to cry even when he passed away. From that day i always try to keep my composure. But of course, everyone would like to see his father more when he grows up. I would have loved for him to have known about my past athletic victories in University because i was said that i was a guy that would never go to school!

Hyperactiv you were ? i did not  like rules and academics  i got expelled when i was a little boy and yet i went to school, got a scolarship, got a college degree when i moved to America.

Ethics in Arts what do you think ? you have to live this message and experience  it on a daily basis. Being the son of Bob it is his heritage. It’s all about the human transcending it. You go by what people say. If i have property and i can share with my brother i shall do it without thinking or any expectations of a return. We  have to speak the truth always cause its a fair offense but not a sin.

Once you start hearing the right voice it will be a natural process, people must hear their inner voice of good. When i rest i see a lot of things and when am awaike too. It’s my inner soul, my first thought comes from a greater heaven, we live in a magnetic world and we can feel and sense these forces that guide you. You have to have your own path, your own way and be a living example. We have to show people that there is always another way! tell us about it? its a creation of the House of Marley so that we can support the ideas we love, which are peace unity youth and the planet. We want to support the futur generations, also protect the environment in a sustainable way. We like to support the charities of the Countries we work with.

How about United Fashion for Peace? We are definitly interested in such an initiative and we also are supporting le Petit Prince as a local charity. We want to make a change for people, we must contribute to the awakening of people. Whatever we do we must always think of sustainability !

How can we take and not give ?!

Tell us now about this baby product of House of Marley ? Paris is another step for the launching of our products, After the US and some other nine countries. It took some time because we were looking for the right partner. We will be working exclusively with the FNAC in France. We want to bring our other side of creations and creativity to the World. We are known for music of course but at the same time we wanted also to create products that would contain our philosophy, our soul and spirit. We try to stay faithfull to our father’s legacy.

Can you describe the principles of House of Marley ? It mainly deals with Peace, unity, environmental protection and youth. The difficulty concretly was to apply those principles to our daily lives. Thats why we focus on eco friendly products, ecocertified products, we use recycled plastic and organic coton. We have to cope with distance to even bring good wood. Wood  gives to the products a more natural feeling and a better sound quality. Our products are sustainable because people can survive thanks to the wood we adhere to a program that is called the FSI/ Forest Conscience Program wich  teaches to people how to live healthily with the forest, to protect her. We make people aware of the danger to erosion for our planet. It is important to guide those population on which trees can be cut and what is too young to be cut. We do our products under FSI certifications and part of our sales benefits goes to help the people of these communities.

Where do you produce ?  the development as far of the mind and creation starts in Jamaica and then we take it to America where we have our headquarters with our inhouse designer team coming fromvarious parts of the World. We produce in China and we buy the wood all over the world. Once we have our concept done we bring to China and then we teach them to respect our standards. We have to balance this collaboration, we teach them and at the same time we give them the opportunity to give back to their own environment. They become more sustainable, more conscious of what we are doing then .

When we grow, we shall increase our production around the world. Presently we sell in the US, Canada, Costa Rica, UK, Singapor, Hong Kong, Korea, Germany, Holland, Japan, South Africa soon and Arab Emirates, Tunisia. For subsaharan Africa yes it will be a next step but we must first find the good distributor.

How about France, glad to be here ? We are very happy to launch our products in France, because it is one of the countries having reaggae pupping in their blood ! french people and all the diverse ethnic groups living in France loved my father.

Thank you Rohan and stay blessed you and Isabella 🙂


Love the Man, love the earth

the ideals and the philosophy of Bob Marley  focused on one thing: LOVE


For further informations please go to:


UFFP la Fondatrice et Présidente FERIEL BERRAIES GUIGNY :
Tour à tour mannequin, criminologue, diplomate et journaliste, la franco tunisienne Fériel Berraies Guigny a lancé en février 2011, une Association loi 1901 du nom de United Fashion for Peace. Parmi les activités de l'Association, une Caravane de mode internationale qui met en avant la paix, la tolérance, le dialogue entre les civilisations par le biais de la mode et de l'artisanat éthique. Née dans la foulée du printemps arabe, cette Association réunit tous les artistes du monde pour la paix, désireux de donner de l'espoir dans des régions en crise ou en transition. Depuis le mois de mai dernier, le magazine en ligne a aussi vu le jour pour être le portevoix de tous ses combats pour une planète éthique. La première programmation de la Caravane de mode se fera prochainement en février 2012 en Afrique subsaharienne sous la thématique de l'éducation pour la paix à la Triennale de l'Education en Afrique. Sept pays ont été les Ambassadeurs, Tunisie, Maroc, Cameroun, Afrique du Sud, France/Niger et Burkina Faso.
Fériel Berraies Guigny dirige par ailleurs, depuis des années deux panafricains New African en co rédaction et New African Woman/ Femme Africaine qu'elle a crée pour le groupe de presse britannique IC publications. Elle a longtemps été journaliste correspondante presse pour la Tunisie.

UFFP Contenu rédactionnel webzine :
Magazine français pour une planète éthique. Se veut une plateforme internationale pour une mode éthique qui défend la paix, la tolérance, l'échange, le dialogue entre les civilisations par le biais de la culture, de la création et de l'artisanat. Rubriques : 'Planète éthique' - 'Le rendez-vous des entrepreneurs' - 'Ethnical Conso : beauté bio, manger éthique' - 'Ethical Fashion' - 'Eco Déco' - 'Culture éthique' - 'Eco Evasion' - 'Société et éthique' - 'Femmes d'Ethique' - 'Prix Ethique' - 'Paroles Ethique'.
Mission de l'Association UFFP :
La Caravane United Fashion for Peace est née ce mois de février passé dans la foulée du printemps arabe et suite au massacre de femmes ivoriennes dans le marché lors des affrontements civils dans le pays. C'est une Association loi 1901française, née du désir de rendre hommage a à tous ceux qui ont perdu la vie pour un idéal de paix dans le Monde, tous ceux qui ont été sacrifiés alors qu’ils recherchaient simplement la dignité humaine. Cette Association et plateforme internationale est apolitique, sans coloration religieuse ou ethnique, elle se bat pour la mode éthique, défend par le biais de la culture, de la création et de l'artisanat, la paix, la tolérance, l'échange, le dialogue entre les civilisations.
Dans le farouche désir de combattre pacifiquement les injustices sociales et économiques à l'encontre des peuples par la culture, elle entend véhiculer des messages d'humanité. Son slogan le beau au service de l'autre, permet des passerelles, des rencontres et l’ acceptation des diversités couture. L'esthétique pour l'éthique reste son credo.

United Fashion for Peace entend fédérer le meilleur de la création internationale dans le respect de la diversité, des us et des coutumes. Tout un symbole de paix aujourd'hui, alors que le Continent continue de subir les soubresauts de son histoire.
Investir dans la paix c'est investir dans les peuples
UFFP est une plateforme internationale destinée à valoriser la création éthique centrée sur le développement humain durable.
Pont couture entre les peuples du Monde, cette plateforme a pour vocation de faire la promotion d'une création éthique et sans frontières. Favoriser un jour le commerce équitable de ces produits, pouvoir faire venir les artistes sur Paris pour leur organiser des défilés et vendre leurs produits.
United Fashion for Peace, c’est un concept qui propose un défilé de mode « clés en main », une animation « décalée » à l’occasion d’une manifestation, d’un colloque, d’un forum, d’assises politiques, économiques, scientifiques.
United Fashion for Peace c’est la présentation d’artistes qui font vivre et revisitent une culture, c’est un témoignage de richesse et de savoir faire, c’est la promotion du développement durable avec l’ambition d’accéder à la conscience durable
United Fashion for Peace c’est un vecteur d'amour et le partage dans la création.
Pour les organisateurs il s'agit de créer un évènement mais aussi de véhiculer une philosophie de vie dans la création. Pour laisser quelque chose aux générations futures " loin des passerelles du luxe, UFFP est avant tout une histoire d'amour et d'amitié avec les peuples, leur création, leur identité et leur patrimoine au service de l'autre.

C'était une idée, elle est devenue un projet, aujourd'hui une Association qui a hâte de trouver des programmateurs, des sponsors et des partenaires afin de pouvoir sa première édition.
UFFP dans le Monde
UFFP est à la recherche de programmations dans le Monde, de partenaires et de sponsors qui souhaiteraient se rapprocher de l'éthique, du développement durable, de la préservation des Arts et métiers, des droits de l'homme, de la culture et de la parité, sans oublier le dialogue entre les civilisations qui sont les valeurs qu'elle véhicule.
A chaque programmation dans un pays où événement donné, sont mis en avant les créateurs du pays hôte qui sont dans l'éthique.
UFFP s'adapte à toutes les thématiques et les rencontres politiques, économiques, culturelles, développement, environnements, bio, bilatérales, multilatérales, fêtes d'indépendance, fêtes nationales, parité, jeunesse, droits de l'homme, ou encore pour médiatiser une problématique donnée de la région.
A terme, L'Association voudrait pouvoir faire également du caritatif, et organiser des ventes de charité, au profit d’une ONG ou association défendant des valeurs similaires et la mettre en avant à l'occasion d'un défilé programmé.

UFFP mode d'emploi :
La promotion d’un pays passe par la mise en avant de ses valeurs, de ses atouts et par une communication à la fois ciblée, régulière et soutenue. La Côte d'Ivoire de la paix et de la réconciliation souhaite développer un tourisme culturel mais également donner une image positive d’une Afrique à la fois moderne et traditionnelle où les valeurs humaines, sociales et pacifiques prédominent.

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