Gravelax de daurade marinée
au sel et au fructose
Petite salade d’herbes. Vinaigrette aux agrumes.
par Grégory Cuilleron
© Réalisation : Grégory Cuilleron pour Vivis – Photo : Nicolas Villion – Assiettes : Non Sans Raison
Préparation : 20 min + 45 mn de marinade
Difficulté : *
Coût : **
(pour 4 personnes)
4 filets (environ 600 g) de daurade sans peau ni arêtes
Pour la marinade :
200 g de fructose cristallisé Vivis
200 g de gros sel
Pour la salade d’herbes :
1 bouquet de coriandre
1 bouquet de cerfeuil
200 g de red chard
200 g de roquette
1 orange
Pour la vinaigrette :
1/2 orange (jus)
4 cuil. à soupe d’huile de noisette
1 cuil. à soupe de vinaigre balsamique
Poivre du moulin
1| Mélanger le fructose cristallisé Vivis et le sel. Déposer la moitié de ce mélange dans le fond d’un plat. Placer les filets de daurade dans le plat,
recouvrir du reste de mélange fructose cristallisé Vivis et sel. Laisser mariner les filets pendant 45 min.
2| Pendant ce temps, rincer soigneusement les différentes herbes. Lever les suprêmes de l’orange et les débiter en petits cubes. Mélanger délicatement les herbes et les cubes d’orange.
Préparer la vinaigrette en mélangeant l’huile de noisette, le vinaigre et le jus d’orange. Saler. Poivrer.
A la fin du temps de marinade, rincer les filets de daurade à l’eau claire puis les éponger.
3| Dresser harmonieusement une poignée de salade d’herbes et un filet de daurade sur chaque assiette, arroser de vinaigrette.
Les Astuces de Grégory Cuilleron
++ Il est possible de remplacer la daurade par des filets de cabillaud.
jogging is an excellent eiecrxse because it let you lose weightevenly throughout your whole body. If you want to lose weight inspecific areas, you should target them with eiecrxses. If they areyour problem areas, they will be very difficult to tone. You will haveto work double on them. The best approach is this:1. Lower/control your daily calorie intake (control for normalweight, lower for overweight).2. Run/jog to lower your overall body fat percentage.3. Target your problem areas with excellent eiecrxse, you can do it in front of your TV: sit on astool, and put your toes under something (piece of heavy furniture,for example). In your hands hold a little dumbbell. Please, make surethat it is not very heavy, start with one kilo, for example, or youwill damage your back and spine! Slowly move the upper part of yourbody back, until it’s parallel with the ground. Stop for a second andmove it back to the sitting position. Repeat ten times. Every week addto the number of repetitions. You will see the results in a week,guaranteed! You will see or feel under the fat if you have any sixpack and muscles. Dumbbells do wonders. Much better than thesecrunches I came up to three hundreds and there was no results ATALL. With the dumbbells you will see it in a week. Side Lunge SlideStand with feet hip-width apart, left foot resting on a paper plate.Bend the right leg while sliding the left foot to the side, torsoupright and abs in. Slowly slide left foot back to starting position,repeating 8-12 times. Switch legs and repeat for 2-3 sets.Lunge SlideStand with feet hip-width apart, left foot resting on a paper plate.Bend the right leg while sliding the left foot back into a lungeposition, keeping the right knee behind the toe, torso upright and absin. Slowly slide left foot back to starting position and repeat 8-12times. Switch legs and repeat on each leg for 2-3 sets.Front One-Legged SquatStand on a step or small platform. Lift left leg out in front of stepand bend the right leg, bringing the toe of the left foot to thefloor. Touch the floor lightly and keep the knee of the bent leg inline with toes. Straighten the right leg and repeat 8-12 times. Switchlegs and repeat for 2-3 sets.Chair SquatStand in front of a chair with feet hip-width apart, abs in and torsostraight. Slowly bend your knees and lower and until you’re almosttouching your butt to the chair. Hold for 2-3 seconds, knees behindthe toes, and straighten. Repeat for 12-16 reps, 2-3 sets.Heel Drops with Leg ExtensionStand on step or platform with left leg on the step, right leghanging off the side. Bend the left leg and lower the right foottowards the floor (a few inches). Straighten the left leg and bringthe right leg out to the side, foot flexed, in a leg extension. Repeat8-12 times, switch legs for 2-3 sets.Hip ExtensionOn a flat or inclined step or platform, lie facedown with hips on theedge of the step, legs straight out behind you with toes restinglightly on the floor. Squeeze the glutes and hamstrings and straightenthe legs until they are level with the hips. Hold for 2-3 seconds, andlower letting toes lightly touch the floor. Repeat for 2-3 sets of8-12 repetitions.