UFFP loves Claudia N brand, it is multicultural, glamourous and chic. And behind the brand, most importantly, there is a real UFFPian, a sincere and devoted UFFP artist as we like them !
We have met the brand last year, thanks to our top house photographer Jana Hernette and together since then, we’ve become three ladies, from the north and the South redefining the meaning of ethical fashion and beauty. The brand is easy to wear and can fit all the beauties of the world. After Kassia Magnolia from Europe who did last year UFFP covcer, here is Miao Miao from Asia modelling for us this fall 2013.
Flash Back on a couture story
“Reshaping fabric came naturally to me from a very early age, I came to love it as an art-form and an alluring mode of communication.ʼexplains designer of Norway Claudia Nordburstad.
From the age of 8 Claudia N has interwoven her passion for elaborate elegance into everything she designs !
Claudia has developed a multi-cultural savoir-faire beginning with her aunt Mariaʼs tailoring and embroidery business in Romania, then, her fashion studies in Paris, and more recently, her further studies in fine art leading to the development of her business inNorway in 2005.
Claudia N launched her signature label, Claudia N Couture in 2005 and over the last 3 years has developed 2 strikingly innovative and elegant couture collections.: Fantomes Industrielles and Fractals Engine Collection.
A delicate web of fragility and strength. ʻA world within a worldʼ
Claudia draws her inspiration from one of her favorite creatures, the spider. Drawing on its sensorial attributes such as touch, vibration and heightened sensitivity, to its webs – intricately and delicately interwoven with stories rich in character, color, shape and size.
Her work is constantly evolving to adapt to new trends in culture and technology and the everyday lives of women.
Exclusivity with Inclusivity
In every garment she brings together femininity, innovation and wearability because she believes that by molding these three attributes, the results go far beyond mere beauty.
The true essence of being a woman.
Her designs are for women who dare to be themselves, who allow themselves to be indulgent, who differentiate themselves through elegance, character, originality and creativity and who want comfort, durability and multi-functionality in their wardrobes.
Claudia N Couture’s collections guarantee self-assurance, adaptability and vitality to the multi-tasking women who wear them. Thatʼs the essence of being a woman.
“Claudia N Couture is my voice, my profound and honest essence that lives deep inside me. A translation of the multi-realities that have brought me here, to where I am today » she says.
Claudia N the brand, made the english international cover for North America. UFFP October 2013
“This collection transports us from chaos to creation – unpredictable behavior leading to astonishing beauty – a profoundly natural world within worlds” explains again Claudia about her work.
Fractals Engineʼ is a concept collection that zooms in on nature. Fractals are present all around us. When creating the ʻFractals Engine Collectionʼ this inherent regularity and irregularity wasb very pleasing for her to work with. The complexity is simplified and communicated to our customers through fine structures, layering, pattern repetition, materials, surfaces, form and structure – finding the unexpected in the expected’ adds Claudia.
From the light lilac hand-painted raw silk dresses to our shiny, rubbery surfaces of dark plum leather; from our clean, structured ‘petite robes noirs’ to our bags and accessories with unique personalities – all designed to give to the customer that extra injection of confidence.
The designs are for women who dare to be themselves, who allow themselves to be indulgent, who differentiate themselves through elegance, originality and creativity.
Claudia N Couture’s collections guarantee self-assurance and vitality to the multi-tasking women who wear them. After all, thatʼs the essence of being a woman « Whilst economic and political tides of change are knocking on our doors with unstoppable speed, I want to slow down and focus on the preciousness of small, insignificant objects – the vital resources of our planet, those fundamental to our well-being » insists Claudia.
Claudia N Couture’s next collection will appeal to our conscience, will entice you to protect your planet and its natural resources as well as your own amazing, brilliantly-engineered machine called the human body! You will have the chance to experience recycling as a form of true beauty and handmade art.
And UFFP is eager to see this so stay tuned !!!